We walk on our feet every day and often we are not aware of the strain our feet take on a daily basis.  Foot disorders are amongst the most widespread and neglected health problems affecting people.  Often patients do not even know that podiatrists can assist them with their foot or lower limb problem.

 At the practice we strive to provide patients with optimal foot and lower limb health care. We aim to do this in a professional and friendly environment.

 I see a variety of patients from young to old. If you have any problems or questions regarding your feet, your podiatrist is the place to go. As podiatrists we see a variety of foot and lower limb conditions, ranging from dermatological conditions like ingrown toe nails, corns and callus, warts, athletes foot and fungal nail infections to name a few. We also see various biomechanical conditions from dropped arches, back ache, knee problems,  heel pain, bunions, plantar fasciitis , Achilles tendonitis and other tendon injuries. We aim to assist the patient biomechanical by either making use of footwear changes, foot inserts or orthotics.

We assist diabetic and rheumatic patients with screenings, general foot care, foot wear advice and provide them with shoe inserts, if needed.

 For the elderly and disabled or anyone  who cannot comfortably reach their own feet, we provide essential foot care.

For our pediatric patients suffering from ingrown toe nails, we follow a gentle approach to resolve the problem. We also make use of various treatment modalities to correct any incorrect walking patters. For parents with any concerns regarding their children’s feet, we strive to assess and advice accordingly.

I also believe, that in patients with more complicated foot and lower limb pathologies the best and most effective approach to follow, is a multi disciplinary approach. We are privileged to have the services of biokinetisists, physiotherapists, dieticians and physiologists on site.

In a nut shell, come visit us with any foot or lower limb questions, concerns or problems. We will always do our best to give you happy feet!