Why do some female entrepreneurs soar while others struggle? Is there an x-factor that helps some women turn everything they touch to gold? And if you don’t have this x-factor, could a business coach possibly help you develop it?

The answer, according to Pieter Scholtz, Co-Master Franchisor in Southern Africa for ActionCOACH, is yes. “In fact, that’s the exact job of a business coach,” he says. “Our experience, combined with our objectivity, means that we are well placed to identify areas where you may need to improve. We’ll also provide the tools you need to strengthen these areas.”

Scholtz acknowledges that women in the working world often face challenges that don’t encumber their male colleagues, from the well-documented glass ceiling to the ‘pull her down syndrome’. “It’s not that entrepreneurship is an easier option for women; it’s simply that because the environment is so different, they need different skills to get ahead,” he notes.

What, exactly, are these skills? For a start, Scholtz says, successful female entrepreneurs have self-belief, and oodles of it. Obviously, it’s impossible for anyone to get ahead in the working world unless they are truly confident in their skills and talents, but it’s an uncomfortable truth that women have a significant tendency to play down their abilities or criticise themselves. “On the whole, women are more self-effacing than men. This is something you have to overcome,” Scholtz insists. “Successful entrepreneurs are successful because they are utterly sure that people need their products and services. They may feel doubt, but they are able to talk themselves past it.”

This leads to another point: women who have established thriving startups have the persistence and passion to keep going, even when the obstacles in their way appear insurmountable. Again, this is where self-belief pays off, Scholtz says. He quotes Henry Ford, who famously said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

How can a business coach help the aspirant female entrepreneur hone these skills? Scholtz explains that as a prerequisite, all business coaches have their own experience as entrepreneurs. This means that they have an insider’s view of what it’s like to try build a business. They understand the frustrations and the most common pitfalls, but they also know how to navigate past these. One of the most important aspects of coaching entails passing on these insights, which entrepreneurs may then apply to their own spheres.

Business coaches also have an extensive network of useful contacts built up over time. Scholtz points out that this is particularly valuable for women. “One of the most frequently heard comments from women in business is that they are not as proficient at networking as men. Often, this is due to practical circumstances: a man might be able to give up an afternoon to play golf, or take an evening out to have drinks with potential contacts, but women with families generally don’t have the same liberty.” A ready made network which may be tapped into at any time is therefore extremely valuable.

Finally, a business coach has a helicopter view of industries that enables them knowledge of, and access to, a wealth of resources. They’re able to suggest books and conferences that will not only sharpen the entrepreneur’s understanding of their immediate business environment, but will also create a platform to develop contacts.

“It’s easy to flag when you’re trying to honour a million commitments, from family to business. That’s where your business coach comes in. It’s not that we function as cheerleaders; rather, the skills and fresh insights we provide give you the inspiration to keep on keeping on,” Scholtz concludes.

Pieter Scholtz is the Co-Master Franchisor in Southern Africa for ActionCOACH, the fastest growing and largest business coaching company globally. Pieter and his partner Harry Welby-Cooke developed ActionCOACH across Southern Africa, which now boasts over 40 franchisees. He is also a certified, leading business and executive coach. He has successfully assisted countless business owners to significantly grow their profits and develop their entrepreneurial skills. www.actioncoach.co.za / 012 665 1015