DinoDent is a child focused dental practice, providing dental and orthodontic treatment in a fun and positive way. As I am a parent myself, I know how important it is to work with children in a very patient, creative and playful way.

DinoDent has a dinosaur dental chair with a DVD player and an octopus that hides the instruments! You won’t find any scary syringes here. A cute crocodile sleeve hides the syringe and the electronic “dental wand” takes the pain out of the prick. Come play at the dentist with a jungle-gym, XBOX 360, DVD’s and lots more!


At your child’s first visit, we will welcome him/her with a friendly and loving attitude. The dental reception room looks more like a playroom, so that your kids can relax and feel at home. Your child can choose a movie and watch it while we do a dental examination. DinoDent is very focused on early interceptive orthodontic treatment.

Paediatric technology including a specialized x-ray machine and an “AquaCut” machine that can be used instead of the drill.

·         Preventative care

·         1st Dental Visit

·         Orthodontic treatment

·         Behaviour management

·         Conscious sedation

·         General anaesthesia

·         Special needs treatment

·         Emergency treatment

Social Media Platform
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DinoDent