Henning & Young. The surname duo. Not the most original idea, but definitely not without purpose. Think back to all the famous individuals who named their brand after their own name (Bentley, Jack Daniels, Prada etc). All these individuals were passionate enough about their projects that they were willing to be personally labelled for it, and so are we.

Our journey started after varsity, working together at an audit firm in Pretoria as article clerks. After sharing a few budget meals and cheap wine (the darker days), we soon realised that, even though we are complete opposites, we have a lot in common. We are both passionate about animals (dogs and goldfish only), we love food and wine (a little too much), travelling the world and we both are addicted to the thrill of the finance and accounting industry and the constant need for innovation. Now, a little older and wiser, our interests are still the same, where our career goals and dreams still make up most of our conversation.

We dedicated our last, very successful, 8 years to the accounting and auditing industry to learn from the best of the best. Both of us have a bachelor’s degree in finance, one studied further to become a professional accountant (SAIPA) and one a Chartered Accountant. Because of the constant need to improve ourselves, we always knew that there would come a time where we would launch our own business. Last year our “We wish” turned into a “We will” after seeing a gap in the industry with regards to extraordinary personal service and limited tax advice. Our mission is to provide all the tools and detailed guidance for our clients to make educated decisions adding to the growth of their business. Our business might be new, but our knowledge, passion and drive are not. We welcome you to our journey. H&Y – Why not?

Mariska Henning & Marlize Young
Pretoria: (Rietvalleirand)
Phone Number: 061 062 4422
Email Address: info@henningyoung.co.za
Website: http://henningyoung.co.za/