Lauren is a registered dietitian and has a passion for helping individuals to reach their specific goals, whether it be for weight loss, gain or even achieving better regulated blood sugar or energy levels. She is a motivator and acts as an accountability contact to help those reach their goals. Lauren will use her own experience to share real life stories and turn theory into reality by applying it individually to every person seen.

Here we do individual nutritional assessments and measurements and can compile individualized meal plans to suit each person’s lifestyle- as we understand that everyone is different and unique. Regular contact sessions are of utmost importance.

Lauren is also registered on the Vitality network as a dietitian and helps many members reach their gold or diamond status with Vitality- giving better rewards and benefits.

Lauren educates from a practical perspective and uses actual packing of products in the office to show as visual aids. This helps people understand food a lot better- especially label reading.

Lauren focuses on everything in moderation- balance is key. Not restricting specific food groups or nutrients for no reason, but fine tuning eating habits to achieve goals. She offers various weight loss packages to tailor suit your needs and at discounted rates.

Lauren has been in practice since February 2012 and just loves seeing happy patients that feel better about themselves and see that they can achieve something.

Lauren is contracted out with all major medical aids and can claim on your behalf provided you have a savings portion, otherwise, card facilities are available for payments.