lisa1. Why did you start your own business?
I love the creativity that comes with being your own boss – the freedom and flexibility allows you to expand, to be original and do things exactly the way you want to. Freedom to travel is also a wonderful perk.

2. What are the hours that you work?
I work all hours – depending on what else I have lined up for the day. I get my best work done between 5-7am. I usually exercise thereafter and generally work 9am-5pm. I’ll work a few hours in the evenings when I need to, and generally spend about 6 hours working over the weekend – mainly creative strategy research.

3. How many people work in your business?
I have 8 people that are employed full-time and over 20 that I use contractually.

4. What are the goals for your business?
For the Lisa Raleigh Brand, I’d like to first and foremost change lives, then make a lasting impression, go global – and have plenty fun while doing it.

5. How do you handle pressure?
I can handle pressure well – given that I am rested and sticking to my daily non-negotiables, like enough sleep, healthy eating, regular exercise and the like.

6. How would a man run your business differently?
I think there would be less compassion – the business would probably be focused less on the passion and more about the business plan and bottom-line! It perhaps wouldn’t be an all-female company either, which would present its own differences.

7. Would you ever go and work for a boss again?
Never! The only time in my life I have ever had a boss was between the ages of 17-19.

8. Do you ever take work home with you?
Working from home – or from hotels and wherever else I may be means my work is always with me. Work and home merge a lot, and it takes a lot of discipline to switch off from work and separate the two.

9. What do you do to relax?
I read, have a series-binge, run on the beach with my dog, Harley, and spend time on my farm in the Midlands with loved ones. Travelling is a big passion of mine that I squeeze in wherever possible, and I also love good old-fashioned girly hobbies like shopping, baking and a good spa day.

10. What would you like to know more about to run your business better?
I think online marketing is one of the biggest ones.

11. What would you do differently if you had the chance?
Nothing actually. I don’t believe in regrets. I’ve learnt from all my obstacles and challenges and I am where – and who – I am today because of all of this.

12. Did you have to borrow money and if yes what route did you follow?
I started organically at first then took money out of my bond to fund a second gym. I had a business partner who bought into a third gym. That was a few years ago and I haven’t had to borrow money since then.

13. What satisfaction do you get from running your own business?
I love watching ideas come to life, seeing lives change and witnessing my staff flourish and grow. Getting to do what I love every day is a big one – I get exposed to so many incredible people and it grows me exponentially.

14. What makes your business successful?
Values and vision – passion comes first and foremost, and I have a team that shares this with me; it makes hard work easier. They also are semi-flexible, and I think the gratitude and productivity that comes with that is reflected in the work. I think the market I’m in helps – health is something nobody can do without! I also like to think my business offers services for the right reason – we’re a human business that really cares about others.

15. What form of marketing do you use?
We use a combination of above-the-line – radio and television mostly – and below-the-line – recruiting sponsors, having a strong social media presence, featuring in magazines, writing a lot of articles and having meaningful partnerships where we share and promote each other’s content – quality content is king!

16. Do you have a favourite mantra or quote that keeps you going in tough times?
Yes – do what you can, with what you’ve got, from where you are.
