Knowing the Different Types of Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition featuring unusually high levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is used by the body to lower blood glucose levels. If someone’s pancreas doesn’t generate enough insulin, their body will develop diabetes. A short list of symptoms of diabetes would include severe hunger and thirst, more urge […]

Keeping a promise in business

A very good friend of mine once told me that if you make a promise make sure you make good on it. Don’t promise things you know you can’t deliver on or can’t do and when you promise something follow through on it. In small business especially as an entrepreneur we often have to promise […]

SA’s leading franchising and business opportunities event signs up millions in new deals

Reed Exhibitions #BuyaBusiness Expo sponsored by Absa brought in millions of rands in deals for a number of exhibitors this year. The event focused on franchising and business opportunities was staged at the Ticketpro Dome in Johannesburg during September. Built on over 20 years’ experience in running leading small business development events, the new-format #BuyaBusiness […]

Love is Full Circle When Getting Older

 Everyone gets older. I often find myself worrying about getting older and the best thing we can do is to love the changes and to be kind to ourselves. When you can, play like a youngster. When you can’t, relax in the sun. We used to be able to do all sorts of different sports […]

Dealing With Dandruff

Causes of Dandruff Although the cause of dandruff is not completely understood, it is currently theorized that one of the main causes is a breakdown of the scalps natural lipid barrier, leaving it more exposed to infection by the microscopic yeast that is commonly found in the scalp. When the yeast overgrows, it leads to […]