#BuyaBusiness Expo and the Small Business Expo connects entrepreneurs and investors who are looking to grow, diversify or enter into business ownership. The expos present franchise and business opportunities, business tools, services, information and prospective partnership and procurement opportunities. The expos will showcase businesses across a wide range of sectors, and will be staged at …
Impact of Colour in Advertisements
Human brain receives signals faster through eyes rather than ears. Visual appearance is supposed to be more appealing when compared to any other senses, no matter what the medium of presentation is. So, there are methods by which one can increase the visual appeal. Other senses facilitate visual appeal, and are also important to concentrate …
Do you Speak Startup?
Tuesday, 5 July 2016: Venture capital in South Africa is starting to take hold. With a host of venture funds, section 12J companies, incubators and start up clubs being launched, start ups are becoming more popular and investors are encouraged to consider these new opportunities. Chris Ball, an investment analyst at AlphaWealth and a co-founder …
Things Children Teach Us – Kate Eke
•Asking for help is a sign of strength; not weakness. It is better to ask for help rather than pretend you know what you are doing and then later it is discovered that in fact you dont know what you are doing. •If you ignore someone, you will be ignored, too Sometimes it is not …
Show UP!!!!!!!!
Sarah Bauling writes the following: The first customer service course I ever went on was years and years ago. We had the most amazing, energized and crazy trainer and although it was years and years ago there was ONE thing that I never forgot and it was the first words he uttered that morning…. “first …