1. Why did you start your own business? I love the creativity that comes with being your own boss – the freedom and flexibility allows you to expand, to be original and do things exactly the way you want to. Freedom to travel is also a wonderful perk. 2. What are the hours that you …
Sihan Wiid of Mink Interiors
1. Why did you start your own business? I’ve always had a passion for creativity. I had an opportunity to start my own business 9 years ago when I met the right person at the right time, I used to do freelance photography, curated art shows, and was a partner in an art gallery where …
Tiffany Lumley New Born Photographer in Cape Town
1. Why did you start your own business? For many years I was in advertising. I loved my job and I loved the excitement of a 9 – 5 corporate job. All that changed when my daughter was born. It was a morning when I had a very important task and a team that depended …