Take a moment and consider any prominent current or historical figure. Be they in business, politics or simply in the public’s eye if you start to watch them you will notice one remarkable similarity: Each and every one of them has a trusted counsel who they depend on to guide, advise, and keep them sane. 

The Harvard Business Review conducted research a few years ago to understand the rise in popularity in coaching within the business arena. They identified 3 dominant reasons why people use business coaches:

  • To develop high potential or facilitate transition
  • To have a sounding board
  • To address derailing behaviour

The simple truth is that at some time or another all people need a coach. Coaching is a partnership in which a trusted professional helps you to gain clarity, define your goals, tackle the obstacles, navigate the path so that you can move yourself forward – without getting in your own way!

SA Business Coaches has been working with companies and individuals over a period of 18 years to help people in business to regain their focus in order to grow their businesses more profitably, while the business owner feels happier.

Business is a very lonely profession, bursting with opportunities, challenges, decision mine-fields, and personal trials. Why would anyone choose to embark on this journey alone when there are qualified professionals with years of business knowledge, experience and competence who can be on your side, making your pathway just that much easier?

Investing money in a business coach for yourself is as important as hiring yourself a personal trainer or booking and paying for your next holiday. Successful people hire business coaches.