"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same." Nelson Mandela

These words spoken by Nelson Mandelas, are true for me, I know within the core of my being, that no matter what your circumstances are, no matter who you are or what you have experienced in life, your light can shine as brightly as you want it to! I am a person with dreams, just like you.

My life experience is made up of bumps in the road, moments of joy & sadness, just like yours. I discovered that no matter what, I am still me, and no life experience can change who I am at the core of my Being. I am a person just like you, my passion is to uplift, support and guide you to Be the Infinite BEing that you know you truly are at the core of your BEing.
•Certified ILS Master Conscious Living Coach & ILS LIfe Coach Trainer
•Certified Access Consciousness"Bars" Facilitator
•Qualified Hypnotherapist
•Meridian Tapping Practitioner & Teacher - featured on SABC 3
•"Power Within"
•Mobile Office Massage & Inspiration Service Provider.
•Wellness Day Provider & Special Events Organiser
•Holistic Pamper Parties & Events
•Team building and Staff Motivation workshops
•Inspirational Workshops and Talk

The above experience allows me to offer a unique solution to both Companies and Private individuals. My training and life experience enriches me with the ability to provide groups of people and individuals support on every level Mind,Body & Spirit.

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