After twenty years in the corporate world having achieved the material and societal success that promised happiness and life satisfaction I found myself wondering why I felt dissatisfied, stressed and lacking in energy for living life to the full. I was making a good living but not really living at all.

Since 2000 my path has been one of choosing to live well at every level of being;

  • physical energy and balance,
  • emotional choice and freedom from old patterns,
  • mental enquiry and creativity,
  • spiritual essence and impact.

The Heart Space is a studio in the garden of my home on the KZN South Coast which offers various ways for you to refresh and transform through your body. It holds a tangibly peaceful energy that rejuvenates those who do Nia dance and receive EQ(Emotional Intelligence) mentoring sessions here.

Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that leads to health, wellness and fitness. It empowers people by connecting the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Classes are taken barefoot to soul- stirring music.

Emotional Intelligence is the extent to which the body’s reaction (which is emotion) is recognised, understood and worked with positively. Nia teaches us how to reconnect with feelings of joy, passion, love, which are naturally occurring endorphins released in the body and brain in response to two things: Emotional states and Physical activities.....The Heart Space allows for the exploration and expression of both.

Through the synergies between Nia and  my EQ mentoring work,  individuals experience and are inspired to make choices that move them from  “daily struggle to dancing through life”.

Step into your own joyful  journey with the Heart Space and positively shape the way you feel, look, think and live.

Nia classes:

 Monday and Saturday mornings at 7.30am

Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 5.30pm


EQ Mentoring sessions by appointment.