V Assist

In 1999 I started my travel business and my husband his ceiling business 1 year later. As he was on site I naturally became his Virtual Assistant, managing his office admin and answering his calls, making appointments and ordering materials. Only recently when “Virtual Assistant” became a business opportunity, did I realize I was in a new space and could expand this to assist other businesses with their basic secretarial/ PA requirements.

Social Media Platforms:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VirtualOfficeAssistantSA/
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jutta-dudley-593b4b159/

Name: Jutta Dudley
Company Name: V Assist
Phone Number:011 465 3072 Cell:082 573 1261 Fax: 086 634 2434
Email Address: jutta@v-assist.co.za
Webite: v-assist.co.za