Turn your annual bonus into a business! Getting started in business need not cost a fortune. At the #BuyaBusiness and Small Business Expo at the Ticketpro Dome in Northriding this week, business opportunities will be on show priced from as little as R1,5000 to R50,000, allowing entrepreneurs to take their first steps towards business ownership …
Supporting SME’s a win-win for everyone
If South Africa is to achieve the goal of 90% of employment opportunities being created by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by 2030, marginalised communities must be empowered and big business needs to open the door to partnerships with emerging business, say local business experts.Speaking ahead of the upcoming #BuyaBusiness expo and Small Business Expo, …
Small Business: no single recipe for success
How you achieve business success depends on your appetite for risk and your individual management style, say experts. Whether you take a high-risk, fast-tracked approach or opt for solid organic growth, building a sustainable small business demands careful planning, hard work and inevitable failures. That’s according to business experts serving on the advisory board of …
Successful Women in Business – it’s all about attitude
There is no ‘glass ceiling’ holding South African women back from success in business today. The real hurdle to overcome for business success is one’s own attitude, say successful local businesswomen. Ahead of the #BuyaBusiness Expo and Small Business Expo, successful women entrepreneurs participating in the events were asked to reflect on what challenges women …
Buy a Business Expo and Small Business Expo
#BuyaBusiness Expo and the Small Business Expo connects entrepreneurs and investors who are looking to grow, diversify or enter into business ownership. The expos present franchise and business opportunities, business tools, services, information and prospective partnership and procurement opportunities. The expos will showcase businesses across a wide range of sectors, and will be staged at …