AdminAssist is South Africa’s largest and most trusted group of part-time assistants.

We love administrative tasks! And we’re really good at it too. So we do people, companies and various organisations’ admin on a part-time basis. Whether you just need someone to change your piling system into a filing system or a regular administrative assistant to support your daily operations, we have a solution! You could also choose between having someone physically at your place of work, or remotely as a virtual assistant!

When you have a professional taking care of those daily operational tasks that drive you nuts, you have more time to spend on your core business; making you more productive and in turn, making more money. Secondly, a better organised work environment makes your business more efficient, accurate and – yes, it’s true – professional. Lastly, you could actually be saving money on UIF, office space and leave when you pay only for a service rendered and not a salary.

You could use one or more of our administrators on an ad-hoc basis as and when you need a specific task done, or choose a package option that allows you a fixed number of hours per month that you fill with the admin jobs you require.