Firstly, we believe, all dis-ease is merely our body’s way of trying to tell us that something is out of balance. The way it does this is through the symptoms we experience. Symptoms can be seen as “messengers”. We are homeostatic (state of equilibrium maintained by self-regulation) beings that were born perfectly to achieve what we need to in life, with the internal resources to keep us going. In an ideal world we should be able to recuperate from whatever life throws at us, be it on a physical, emotional and/or mental level. But life happens and it often throws us curve balls that sometimes cause us to fall off the track. What then happens (with our fast paced lives these days) is that we struggle to recuperate properly and get ourselves back on track with 100% capability. We then start “defending” through life instead of living life. This is where Specialised Kinesiology is so beneficial.