Gold becomes what it is in its final form after an intense refining process. The potential is there from the beginning, but only after the final refining can its value be appreciated. Our lives are like that too. There is a thread of gold running through us – our  genetic inheritance; talents; skills; knowledge and our unique personality traits.

Turning this potential, alchemically, into gold is up to us. The catalyst for that is often change. It is our capacity to transition successfully through change which is the greatest determiner of success and personal transformation. Change and Transition Coaching provides a thinking and accountability partnership and development process  with enough stretch and support to empower you to make transformative changes. As your  coach I am your champion, walking alongside you as you journey from where you are to where you want to be.

Change: Crisis or Opportunity

What is changing in your life?

  • Work / career
  • Starting your own business
  • need to make pivotal decisions
  • geographical location
  • life-stage
  • life direction

Chances are there is much potential for the change to transform your life or your business, but there are obstacles in your way.

How can life and career coaching help? The process will empower you to

  • clarify your thinking around key decisions.
  • crystallize your personal vision and mission for this season of your life and for your business.
  • set in place strategies and implement action plans in order to actualize that vision.
  • Identify and overcome obstacles preventing growth.
  • make the personal transitions  required in order to make significant changes in your life.
  • Tap into the riches of your unique potential.
  • turn the challenge of change into a tremendous growth opportunity.
  • Improve the profitability and ensure the sustainability of your business.

About Juliette:

I am accredited as a professional certified coach by the International Coach Federation and by Comensa as a practitioner coach and evaluator for the credentialing process.

For much of my life I have been risk and change averse. I have turned down so many opportunities because the status quo seemed much safer. Then I turned forty. And everything changed. I attended a career re-invention workshop, employed a coach, and began a journey into the most fulfilling period of my life. In 2010 set up my own coaching practice and created a life full of possibilities which I am actualizing.

As a result of my own change journey, my passion as a coach is to help others make the changes they want to make in order to be all they have been created to be.

To find out more about how I can assist you in navigating your unique change journey contact me.