Hi my name Shelley.

I am Not Only a Professional Photographer, I say this why? Well in the good old days you had to know all about Photography.... today all you need is a great camera that does it all for you.... well the Buck Stops Here!

To create great photos, "the old school" of picture taking is really important.  And NO that does not make me old...... I just want to take great photos. And as you all know, to succeed, you have to know your business! No half measures!

A famous saying: A picture is worth a thousand words

Today this more important than ever, as there are pictures everywhere, so to get a great photo takes great ingenuity.  

I do work for big companies like Makro, Revlon and Subaru, Mercedes. Just toname a few... I do anything from glorious events to hard Industrial work.

But what I love is to make people laugh and to feel at ease... this way I get the best shots!  Whatever the event, I get the shots. They call me Bubbles, cos they say I am so bubbly!   Call me for photos, whatever, whenever,  wherever, I will do your company proud!

Whether it is product shots for the internet, hectic Industrial shoots or just fun shots for your event. I  will make people smile and laugh! And get the shots done!

Then the fun begins...with Photoshop! I can design banners, pamphlets, T-Shirts, Gazebos, whatever graphics you need.

At the end of the day, I will produce great pics and artwork for you to make Bucks! And give me more  work!

Contact me on shelley@gilmorestudios.co.za

082 6010 549