17 5th Avenue Walmer Guest House
Walmer, Port Elizabeth
Sandra Cartwright
Email Address: 17on5thavenue@isat.co.za
Website www.17on5thavenue.co.za
Tel : 041 581 7822
Cell : 0844 110 755

Chez Paris
Mill Park, Port Elizabeth
Andre’ and Lizette Paris
Phone Number: 041 365 1922 and 082 567 3630
Email Address: lizette@chezparis.co.za
Website: www.chezparis.co.za

First Avenue Guesthouse
Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Lisa Rentzke
Phone Number 041 583 5173
Email Address: info@firstavenueguesthouse.co.za
Website: www.firstavenueguesthouse.co.za

Le Fisherman’s B+B
Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape
Bev de Lange
Phone Number: 041 5833843/0836311213
Email Address: info@lefishermans.co.za
Website: www.lefishermans.co.za