Your Indie Yoga:
You can practice any day of the week, breakfast, lunch or supper. Where YOU are what makes Indie Yoga community great!

Indie Yoga has an approach that stays true to the heart of yoga! We encourage your learning through experience, with committed passionate teachers who can help you unravel YOUR best yoga practise.

Your Fourways studio:

A tranquil retreat setting where most walk in, pause, take a breath in and immediately relax.

Indie Yoga is intended as a place of knowledge about Self, a place for quiet contemplation and inner journey, a place of communication and community.

Don’t be intimidated, you are not alone:

You don’t need strength or flexibility to do yoga, but will gain both from yoga! Our goal is to help you reconnect the mind with the body and enhance that relationship.

Do you know how great your body is designed to feel?

From Beginners to Advanced:

Experience delicious in your body that is more addictive than coffee.

Our commitment is to help you develop a greater awareness of yourself down to your baby toe. Most people want PEACE OF MIND and seek out yoga which helps to pacify the nervous system and develop discrimination between useful thought and redundant thought.

With a different focus in every class – sometimes alignment, or mental discipline, or simply on silence – you can move through boundaries and empower yourself, and often times the result is a certain calm, as mental and emotional intelligence grows.

Know and love your body and live in it.

Change your Life today:
We advise that you need to find the teacher, style and experience combination that will keep you excited about yoga and keep you on the mat! Only by trying it all out, can you gain the insight into what you need, which is often not what your mind wants.  The different approach to each style ensures you can find a style that suits your personality – many of us DESTRESS differently – some of us need intense fast action to quiet/engage the mind, others need slow peaceful experience. Different styles will address these different needs.
