Killer Copy Writing Increases Sales

The success of your website is going to depend on the quality of the copy writing on your sales page (there is no such thing as a product or service that sells itself). People will only purchase a product or service if they consider it a viable solution to one of their problems. Your task is to convince visitors to your sales page that your product or service is the best solution available.

 It is vital you get their attention; nobody is going to read your sales page just because it is there. They need to be stopped dead in their tracks and compelled into reading your sales page.

 You do this with a big bold headline.

 A headline that in one sentence highlights a problem your potential customer is grappling with and hints that a solution is available from reading your sales page. For example, your customer might be flat broke and desperately seeking a way of making extra money… This Headline will get their attention: “How To Start With Nothing And Create A Money Making Empire”.

 No matter how bold you make your headline, it’s lost if the next sentence doesn’t capture your reader and lead them to your sales page. This next sentence is often called a sub-headline and is formatted to be bolder than the rest of the text on the sales page.

 The sub-headline must provide a compelling reason for your prospective customer to continue reading. Saying your product or service is the best is not a compelling reason. Implying your customer will benefit in some way is compelling. For example a sub-headline like: “This New Business In A Box Can Earn You Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars While It Runs On Full Auto-Pilot” implies that money can be made in this business which runs on its own without much personal involvement. Basically, your big benefit is time-saving; while the business runs on its own, you can go do whatever you like.

Having got your reader’s full attention, its time to elaborate on the problem and how your product or service can offer a solution. You must speak on a one to one basis; imagine your friend is sitting opposite you and you are explaining why your product or service is the solution they have been looking for.

You need to get involved in the conversation that is going on in their mind. In essence, you need to create an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) which asks and then answers as many questions as possible.

 Put yourself in your friend’s position and ask:

– What are they feeling?

– What are they scared of?

– What do they disbelieve?

– What are their expectations?

– What is their dream solution?

 Each of your answers must introduce how your product or service is the solution. In your final copy, you may choose to list these points or you may choose to re-write them so they flow from one point to the next. There is no “best method” and only testing will show which method works best in your unique circumstance.

 By explaining the many ways your prospective customer will benefit, you begin to create a desire for your product or service. Don’t fall into the trap of implying you have improved on what is available from your competitors. Running down your competitors won’t get you anywhere. The only way to heighten your prospective customer’s desire for your product is to show them more and more ways they will benefit from owning your product or service.

 The only time you list the features of your product or service is when they add to the benefits your prospective customer will receive. For example, a key feature of a new computer could be that it has a Pentium 4 processor, but owning a computer with a Pentium 4 processor is irrelevant to somebody who only uses it to download email; it is relevant to somebody who needs the extra processing power of a Pentium 4 processor if they use their computer as a full multimedia center.

 Having established a desire for your product or service, you need to call your prospective customer to action. Put simply, you need to ask them for the sale and state it in an obvious manner. For example, if you want them to order, use a very obvious graphic order button which states “Click here to order now”.

 Copy writing is a skill that takes a lot of learning and practice to perfect. You are not going to be a copy writing expert on your first time out, but experiment using these simple tried and tested copy writing tips are bound to increase your website sales.

Written by:

Janine Henwood

Founder of VA Celebrity Virtual Services

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