My husband, Paul Fourie and I bought a portion of the farm Leliefontein 20 years ago which was then part of a 24 hectare fruit farm. When we bought the farm there was already an established kennel business. We have slowly over the years renovated the kennels and the 6 hectares of land to what it is today.  I have been managing the business since we bought it and have learnt so much from animal care, maintenance, personel issues to even actual farming.  The business consists of a main house, 9 rental cottages, office block, boarding kennels, stables and paddocks for horses, a pet gift shop, 150 olive trees and a veterinary practice.

We have 159 dog and 42 cat kennels with 4 large exercise areas for the dogs and 2 exercise areas for the cats for them to play in the sun or sleep under shady trees .  Half of the dog kennels and the entire cattery are heated in winter and in summer there are fans and a cooling system of light sprayers. All the kennels have shady trees around them providing much needed shelter in the hot summer days.  Our kennel capacity is 250 dogs and 50 cats.

We board all types of pets and have looked after Apple (a pig), Autumn (a sheep who visits quite regularly), a squirrel, ducks, chickens, rabbits, hamsters, rats and all kinds of birds. We have air conditioned room where the birds stay and on nice days they are brought outside to sit in the sunshine in their cages.

Our gift shop sells affordable dog and cat food and various accessories and toys  and our resident African Grey, Bobby, loves to greet  you on arrival.

Our facebook page: Leliefontein Boarding Kennels keeps our customers informed on the happenings at the kennels and clients often message asking us to post  photos on our page of their adorable pets that they miss terribly.

Dr Roland Bellstedt of Leliefontein Animal Clinic has a very busy veterinary practice here and we are privileged to have him on call 24 hours a day for any emergency.

My staff consists of: Jean and Louisa in the office; Wilmien, Lena, Isaack and Patrick cleaning, feeding and exercising the boarders and Ricardo doing all the maintenance on the farm .

 I love animals and am passionate about their welfare and aim to provide a stress free stay for them at our kennels. 

We help Drakenstein Animal Rescue with sheltering of their problem dogs that do not fit into their foster homes. At the moment we have a neutered male Staffordshire Terrier cross Labrador named Gus, who has the unfortunate habit of jumping over very high fences.  He has been with us for 10 months now and is desperately looking for a loving home.  He loves all animals, so if you have a very high fence around, please come and meet Gus!
