I have been working in the field of diagnostic evaluations for learners with barriers to learning and assessment for the past 16 years. 

ADHD and ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and other learning difficulties are specific fields of interest. 

I take hands with the local schools and the emphasis is on finding solutions for the parents and teachers on how to assist these learners in the main stream school; evaluations and recommendations for special concessions are done on an ongoing basis, helping learners overcome the barriers to learning and assessment.

I help the schools to find solutions that can work for their specific situation - providing guidelines and training for scribes and readers for learners with problems with reading, spelling and writing during exams.

Parental guidance, emotional therapy as well as family therapy are also part of the professional services provided when working with a learner.

Applications for Special concessions such as extra time, having a reader and amanuensis that has to be made to the Department of Education are done in collaboration with the schools.

Home schooling: guiding and directing, assisting in finding the correct curriculum and providing a sound board to home schooling parents.

Career guidance: I do IQ and aptitude tests, interest questionnaires as well as personality tests to assist learners with subject choices and choosing a post-matric direction