Rebecca Wakeford Speech Therapy is a paediatric speech and language therapy practice with two
locations in Pretoria. The Pretoria East practice is located in Die Wilgers and the practice in Pretoria
North is located in Sinoville. Both practices are situated in multi-disciplinary practices as the
therapists believe team collaboration is a key part to effective therapy.
The practice provides assessments, therapy, home programs and parent training for children with
difficulties in the following areas; feeding, speech, language, auditory processing, reading and
spelling. The therapists have further training in various areas pertaining to paediatric speech therapy
and are dedicated to keeping up with new research to provide effective therapy.

Name of business Owner: Rebecca Wakeford
Name of Business: Rebecca Wakeford Speech Therapy
Location: 418 Rossouw Street, Die Wilgers, Pretoria, 0081 and 147 Sefako Makgatho Drive, Sinoville,
Pretoria, 0182
Phone Number: 0736008980
Email Address: