I am an educational psychologist by registration but have developed many skills over the years to enable me to help the clients that come on my path.

I am based in White River at Flamboyant school, a remedial school where I mainly work with ADD, ADHD, all learning problems including dyslexia, as well as the myriad of comorbid disorders that comes with a learning difficulty such as depression, anxiety, behaviour problems etc. Often problems in the family aggravate the learning problems therefore I address issues such as discipline  and divorce. All these affect the child’s development and learning.

I lecture part time at Pearson Institute in Nelspruit. I lecture the 4th year students and enjoy the academic world as that keeps me on my toes.

I run a private practice where the focus is as mentioned above learning and emotional problems of children and adolescents. In my practice I see clients who encounters trauma such as robberies, hi -jacking’s etc. I see clients for their stress and tension.

I am an advanced TRE (tension and Trauma release) as well as a BWRT® (Brainworking recursive therapy) practitioner. I have done the training in WSN (warrior, settler & Nomad). In January 2017 I will start my training in BB4B (Broad Band 4 Brain).

I have done EMDR – Eye movement and desensitization & reintegration as well as hypnosis – Ego state, Erickson Ian at the Milton Erickson institute and wellness institute.

I have presented at PSYSSA – psychology society of SA – in 2015 and 2016 and was invited to present in London in 2017 at the first ever BWRT ® Congress.

I also enjoy doing numerology, crystal healing and meditation for clients who are interested.

From time to time I have retreat weekends to provide a place of calm and relaxation for stressed people – at these retreats the emphasis is on meditation, TRE, journaling and finding the first steps to inner peace and calm .

I love people and to be part of their journey is an immense privilege and when