We offer Specialised Kinesiology courses and the Specialised Kinesiology College of South Africa is the only college in the country that is qualified to teach all levels of ICPKP Kinesiology - from the Basic Certificate program up to level 4 - the Advanced Diploma in Kinesiopractic.
The Certificate in Basic Kinesiology Practice (BKP) is the entry point into becoming a highly regarded Professional Specialised Kinesiologist. Its international recognition makes it one of the most diverse and flexible programs available today and students are ensured of a qualification which is held in high esteem in the field and is portable. You would therefore be able to use your training globally.
About ICPKP Kinesiology - The Certificate is grounded in the fundamentals of Applied Kinesiology, which was developed by Dr George Goodheart DC in 1965, now recognised worldwide with millions of people having experience its benefits. The Certificate in BKP expands on his knowledge and introduces the Basic Kinesiology Program for those wanting to become professionals in the field of Kinesiology. It is written by Dr Bruce (MD) and Joan Dewe of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice (ICPKP).
Being a synthesis of techniques and skills researched from ancient Chinese acupuncture, modern chiropractic, osteopathy, nutrition and naturopathy, Kinesiology is the most holistic of all the natural therapies and, like many traditional healing philosophies, it recognises the importance of body, mind and spirit in health and well being. A non-invasive method, Kinesiology is a unique form of holistic therapy and is grounded in the understanding of vibrational, energetic medicine from the East with the understanding of anatomy and physiology from the West.
Kinesiology is not limited to dealing with ailments. Energy balancing brings a person closer to achieving any goal of their choice – in sports, relationships, in work situations or learning or coping with life generally. In essence Kinesiology assists and supports the person helping them to move towards physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Kinesiology students will not only learn how fascinating the body and mind is, they will also move through a profound time of personal growth and transformation on all levels.
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