Specialist Paediatrician Kwa Zulu Natal

Dr Melissa Chettiar

Name of Owner: Melissa Lavinia Chettiar
Name of Company: Dr ML Chettiar Inc
Area: Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal
Phone Number: 031 301 3377 031 301 3907
Cellphone Number: 083 793 4832
Email Address: admin@drmlchettiar.co.za

Dr Ashmika Gokhul

Name of Owner: Ashmika Gokhul
Company Name: Dr Ashmika Gokhul Specialist Pediatrician
Area: Durban and Pinetown
Phone Number: : 031 701 2000 or 031 737 3089
Email Address: : specialistpaed@drgokhul.comspecialistpaed@drgokhul.com
Website: www.specialistpaed.co.za