Kylie & Amor 11. Why did you start your own business?
I loved singing from a young age and I also used to dance. My idols were Kylie Mingoue and Janet Jackson. I was the presenter for Body Beat for SABC and worked with Richard Loring in Girl Talk and West Side Story. Whilst I was performing in Girl Talk EMI asked to see me for a recording and I cut my first album with them Wild Cherry Kisses. I started Amor Vittone CC. I am sometimes the master of ceremony at functions and perform at weddings and corporate functions. My biggest break was presenting Lotto.

I also went to Wits University and got a degree in BA Communications and I graduated Cum Laude.

2. What are the hours that you work?
Depends not rigid the more variety. Every day is different doing voice overs, etc. I have meetings with corporates in the mornings. I work in the morning so that I am available for the kids from 1. I am a hands on mom!

3. How many people work in your business?
There are two of us my mom and I . then from time to time I employ freelances sound engineers , lighting and dancers.
4. What are the goals for your business?
Family first and then career is in God’s hands. I would like another gold album and to have my hitt songs playing on radio. I love to perform and enjoy what I am doing. I would like to bring out something new. I am thinking of a perfume range because I like style and fashion. I would love to have my own television show of ideas that I have.

5. How do you handle pressure?
I go to gym, run and train! Cardio exercise. Love to box. Talk to mom about things and I write down feelings.
6. How would a man run your business differently?
I have had a male manager and he was not as passionate as my mom. A woman understands me better.

7. How do you juggle being a mom and running a business?

Family first and prioritise. Delegate things.

8. Would you ever go and work for a boss again?
No I like being independent and like being in charge of goals and in charge of my time.

9. Do you ever take work home with you?
Work and home is all together!

10.What do you do to relax?
Love to sleep! Watching tv and read! Shopping – stressed go shopping and spending time with kids.

11.What would you like to know more about to run your business better?
Marketing and different angles and fresh ideas. Great song writers!

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12. If you had to start again what would you do better knowing what you know now?
I would do it all the same! Mistakes you learn how to be better! Mistakes make you stronger and a better person. Set goals and dream dreams.Dreams do come true and you must work at it! At peace now.

13. Did you have to borrow money and if yes what route did you follow?
Used money earned to make demos. Dad said go make your dreams come true! Got recording contract!

14. What satisfaction do you get from running your own business?
Passion and I love it when deals come through. Feel like I have achieved. Gratitude, happy and money coming in. Give 110% of self. Love what I do, still get nervous for each show. Once first song over relax.

15. What makes your business successful?
You must be real and must be who you are. Realness and honesty must come through. What you promised must come to pass. Expect more of yourself than anyone else would expect! Preparing moment for moment. Be disciplined do what you need to do now! Keep things simple – admit and carry on! Honesty is very important.

Twitter and Facebook and I have some agencies that market my singing and mc work.. Word of Mouth! I know I need to do more marketing with new album. Record label will do new marketing with radio stations etc! Need more marketing!

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