Swim Smart grew out of a need for improved and structured swimming programmes in schools. We were already offering additional swimming sessions from an indoor heated pool in Claremont  for over 350 swimmers and it was through these lessons we noticed that many swimmers were under-prepared for even the basics in swimming.

The schools in our area were not necessarily able to provide the support the swimmers needed across a variety of levels. After some investigation and after working with a few schools we realized the challenges facing schools. Pool time was often very limited and school swimming was mostly chaotic and unstructured.  Big groups included swimmers of such varying ability that teachers were not able to instruct effectively. Many teachers also did not have a background in swimming or the technical knowledge to be able to make appropriate corrections to technique and performance.

As an answer to this issue we started off with workshops for teachers, swimmers and schools. We addressed each school and their individual needs and requests. Our programme has since evolved to include an online teacher training manual which structures the term lesson by lesson over a number of levels and programmes. The online course covers Lifeskills Level (for beginners), Foundation and Intermediate Levels (ages 5 years to High School), Squad Swimming (for more competitive swimmers) as well as Strength & Fitness (using the pool and the area around the pool as way to build strength and fitness for all sports). The online course includes teacher notes for all aspects of swimming, drills to correct common errors, tips for managing big groups as well as pool management structures to maximize space and time.

Our official online course launch is on 9thand 10th January. We will be hosting a 2 day workshop as part of the launch. Contact admin@swimsmart.co.za fore more information.