The transformation & equipping of people is of utmost importance for leading a fulfilling and satisfying life, and is the drive of Mariaan’s way of working. She celebrates to see people equipped and established in their potential and fulfilment (congruent in their body, soul & spirit).

“Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.” ~ Viktor Frankl

The Vision:

She facilitates people to switch on to life to reach their full potential and fulfilment, through a robust journey.

“I believe in the potential of each person, and want to enable them to free themselves of internal constraint and external control.”



  • Establishing identity, potential & fulfilment
  • Gain control & ownership of your life
  • Self-Awareness & Self-Management (of emotions, negativity, habits)
  • Understanding strengths / preferences / gifts
  • Boundaries & Relationship management
  • Changing beliefs & thinking patterns that cause problems
  • Subject / Study / Career / Life choices & change
  • Work & Life readiness


Investing in people development will lead to:

  • Increased fulfilment & sense of control due to ownership & responsibility
  • Increased positive attitude toward self, life and others
  • Increased effectiveness & sense of purpose (as strengths are utilised optimally)
  • Improved emotional awareness & stability
  • Improved conflict management, communication & listening
  • Improved healthy relationship & boundary management
  • Improved team-work & -spirit

How it works:

By means of a dynamic process, including various tools to be skillfully used, the clients’ understanding of their preferences, interests, skills and values are brought about, by which they receive the opportunity to grow, to discover who they are, and to clarify their best suited career or purpose in life.

Based on proven techniques and grounded in psychologically based theoretical models, specialised skills are utilised to facilitate the client or team's progress