Self-knowledge is the highest form of knowledge. When you understand your character, feelings, abilities and motivations you can move mountains.
Lien Potgieter is a colour coach and colour intuitive. She uses colour to help people get to know themselves better in order to improve their health and relationships, and make life easier.
If you are aware of your habitual and learned emotional and mental responses to challenges, you can change or accept them and get on with the business of life. In this space, Lien does one-on-one coaching sessions with colour to unearth the blockages to healthy relationships, attracting abundance and following a career best suited to your gifts and talents.
When you understand the hidden meanings of colour, you can use them to track your evolution. Lien offers a Balance your Life with Colour workshop, where you learn the fascinating history and science of colour, and the colour messages that the universe uses to communicate are revealed.
Being a new mom is hard. Lien facilitates colour therapy sessions for moms with the baby blues. She also offers weekly colour therapy sessions for people who suffer from depression and who want to heal and recover.
She does talks on colour personalities and their unique communication styles.
If you want to add colour and self-awareness to your corporate wellness days and improve productivity and foster creativity among your employees, book Lien today for mini colour readings.
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