Webbers Attorneys in Bloemfontein has been providing a comprehensive range of legal services since 1906 and is one of the oldest law firms in the Free State, South Africa; our sister firm Webber Newdigate has been providing legal services since 1978 in Maseru, Lesotho.
Our firms aim to provide our clients with skilled legal services in a timely and efficient manner. We strive to handle each legal matter with accountability and honesty.
We provide legal services to mining companies, government authorities, insurance companies, banks, para-statal organisations and various stakeholders in the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, such as international construction companies, professional advisory firms and consortiums.
We act as local counsel in a wide range of international projects and assist foreign businesses who are seeking to enter the Lesotho market or are established in the country and require on-going legal services.
At the seat of the Supreme Court of Appeal we also successfully provide and assist our colleagues from other provinces with one of the oldest appeals departments in Bloemfontein.

Presently we consist of 16 attorneys and more than 50 team members – who are all available to cater for our clients’ legal needs in the Free State and in Lesotho.
Webber Newdigate is the biggest attorneys’ firm in Lesotho and a founding member of Lex Africa, the first and largest African legal network with member firms in 24 countries.

Name of business Co - Owner: Pamela Bubb
Name of Business: Webbers Attorneys (Bloemfontein, South Africa) and
Webber Newdigate Attorneys (Maseru, Lesotho)
Location: Free State; and Lesotho
Phone Number: 051 430 1340
Email Address: pb@webberslaw.com
Website: https://www.webberslaw.com; and