Miss South Africa raises awareness of food insecurity in Cape Town South Africa’s much-loved Shudufhadzo Musida, Miss South Africa 2020, consistently proves that she is as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. Last week, she took the opportunity of a free morning to spend it on the road with SA Harvest, South Africa’s …

Her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco and her team take on the open seas, knowing SA and Monaco are behind her
Can you imagine cycling 180 kilometres? What about doing that distance on a water bike on the ocean over 24 hours? That is precisely what Her Serene Highness (HSH) Princess Charlene of Monaco is training for every single night and day! “Navigating the ocean at night is no easy task. One feels so small and …

Cape Town Cycle Tour Raises Over R500 000 Through ‘Pay It Forward’ Campaign
hanks to the Cape Town Cycle Tour’s (CTCT) ‘Pay It Forward’ campaign clothing, blankets and food, worth over R900 000, are being distributed to the most vulnerable along the event’s route over the next few weeks. The campaign – an initiative launched by the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust (CTCTT) in May – invited riders …

67 000 litres of soup equals 268 000 cups of compassion on Mandela Day
67 000 litres of soup is more than just a hearty, nourishing cup of soup for thousands of hungry people – it’s 268 000 cups of kindness, prepared with compassion by over 300 chefs in 10 cities in the spirit of Madiba’s call to ‘take action inspire change’. SA Harvest and Chefs with Compassion, two …

The Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation South Africa announces winners of the #strongtogether Celebrity Challenge
On 22 June 2020, the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation South Africa Celebrity Ambassadors and their loyal supporters waited eagerly to find out who the winners of the #strongtogetherCelebrity Challenge would be. The social awareness initiative, launched by Her Serene Highness Princess Charlene of Monaco, turned out to be hugely successful! The initiative aimed …