Back-to-school blues? Here’s what you can do…

Holidays are like cats! They creep into your lap for a cuddle and just when you start feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, they jet off to some unknown place, leaving you feeling disappointed and perhaps a little cold! Is this not true of these school holidays? They crept in, had a cuddle and left […]

Teach your children to find their joy this holiday season.

It is precisely at this time of the year that the commercial world comes out, guns blazing, seeking to convince you and your children that the way to real happiness at Christmas time is to spend loads of money, whether you are financially able to or not! Cindy Glass, Owner and Co-Founder of Step Up […]

Cindy Glass of Step Up

How to study Maths and Sciences

  The year-end exams are coming up. This can be a time of immense stress and anxiety for teachers, learners, and parents. Cindy Glass, Owner and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres says, “The trouble with exams is that the task of preparing effectively seems an almost insurmountable one – most especially for learners who […]