
Three trends that will impact media analysis in 2019


With the new year in full swing, businesses are in the process of developing and refining their strategies for a fruitful 2019. Media analysis company Focal Points has identified three of the most important trends that will shape the way that businesses look at their media coverage in the coming year. Focal Points will be sharing more of their insights on the brand new research section on their website.

Here are the trends you need to know about in 2019:

1. More technology means more data

Technology is developing at a breakneck speed; mobile phones offer almost all the same features as computers and social media platforms continue to copy features from one another. But with each new feature comes a new set of metrics that businesses need to understand in order to analyse them. 2019 will bring with it hordes of data, making it more and more difficult for companies to analyse information.

More technology – and more platforms – also means that it is becoming increasingly difficult for brands to grab their audience’s attention. Businesses have to be savvy when they conceive campaigns, as well as when they look for insights from the data that those campaigns generate.

Media analysis specialists, like Focal Points, can make this job far simpler by compiling all the relevant data for you, analysing it and giving you succinct summaries and graphs that show you exactly what you need to know.

In 2019, businesses will need to be armed with all the right information to ensure they find success in the ever-smaller available shares of consumer attention.

2. Machine learning will evolve even further

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning were buzzwords in 2018, but in 2019, these technologies are set to get even smarter. Businesses that haven’t already started working with these technologies are behind the times. If your company hasn’t started investigating what AI can do for you, 2019 is the time to do so.

Focal Points has seen great success through using a powerful combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning and human understanding.

“The culmination of the creative power of the human mind and advanced processing capabilities of AI gives us an edge, ensuring that we can deliver comprehensive media intelligence reports that fit our clients’ exact requirements,” says Anja Cavanagh, Team Leader: Analysis and Media Intelligence.
As AI technology develops, the capabilities of businesses that utilise it will also develop. 2019 is the year of rapid technological growth, with brands experimenting with what this potent technology can do for them and, more importantly, for their customer base.

3. Consumer trust affects social media metrics

2018 was a challenging year for social media platforms, with the Facebook data breach and allegations of mismanagement topping the list. On top of that, hundreds of fake Twitter and Instagram accounts were uncovered and controversial social media users removed from many platforms.

While most social platforms took steps to prove that theirs is indeed a safe place to place your data, consumer trust has taken a nosedive.
Social media promises to give people a way to connect with other people. And for businesses, it offers a way to connect with consumers and show them exactly what it is that you stand for. The mistrust of social media has greatly impacted social media metrics, and businesses need to consider this when analysing their social data.

With media analysis being a critical element of any successful business strategy, it’s important for companies to stay mindful of the various methods of analysis and trending topics. Focal Points’ new research section on its website offers in-depth information regarding media analysis. You can find out more by visiting

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