
Show UP!!!!!!!!

SarahSarah Bauling writes the following: The first customer service course I ever went on was years and years ago.
We had the most amazing, energized and crazy trainer and although it was years and years ago there was ONE thing that I never forgot and it was the first words he uttered that morning…. “first and foremost – all you gotta do is SHOW UP!”

At the time I lived at home which meant mom and dad pretty much dealt with all service providers and in my mind, because I often saw plumbers, electricians and other providers who “showed up” and got the job, I figured the “crazy trainer” had pretty much just stated the obvious!

Eventually I met the man of my dreams, moved out, bought a house and discovered that from time to time we needed to make use of service providers. Whether it was a plumber, a builder, a pool repair company or an electrician the words of my crazy trainer from all those years ago rang out in my head time after time.

We would phone a provider, they would give us a date and time. The date and time would come, and you guessed it …… the date and time would go – they didn’t show up and occasionally – if we were lucky, they had some random excuse.

These days when it comes to finding a new supplier – instead of phoning a new supplier each day and hoping they show up – we contact a few suppliers and “throw it out there.”
Generally 2 of the suppliers will show up and generally 1 of them will have sent a quote through by the next day.

No guesses as to which company we choose!

Customer service is not rocket science – if you are a provider – in the words of that amazing, energized and crazy trainer “first and foremost – all you gotta do is SHOW UP!”

Contact Sarah
Tel: 083 457 3402

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