Why did you start your own business?
This is actually my late father’s business that was established in 1993. He passed away in 2013 and I had to fill his BIG shoes and take the business to greater heights, which I have been doing over the past five years and I have managed to excel by landing the company five contracts with big reputable companies. The reason I decided to fill his big shoes was because I wanted to continue with the legacy that comes from a democratic era and that is now in advance, an innovative era that allows women to empower and break barriers.
What are the hours that you work?
When you are self-employed, you don’t have working hours. You are building a brand that is to be alive for years and years to come.
How many people work in your business?
At the moment the business employs 15 full-time staff .
What are the goals for your business?
I reached my five-year goal that I set in 2013, when I took over – that was to sign new clients and maintain the business.
My future goals are to master what I now have and learn more. But mostly to have my own building with the company name – almost have a NGC Group.
How do you handle pressure?
I love pressure because that’s when I produce the best results. I delegate in as much as I can when it comes to other tasks but do it with supervision.
How would a man run your business differently?
Hahaha!!! Well he would make sure all the cement and Crestone gets delivered on time and FORGET to do the admin work.
Would you ever go and work for a boss again?
Nope- I’ve always known that I was destined to be an entrepreneur from a young age. The fulfilment I get from my day to day job, I don’t think one gets that being employed. I always share “ AHA moments with my client “.
Do you ever take work home with you?
All the time, just to keep me on my toes.
What do you do to relax?
I enjoy reading, fine dining and travelling.
What would you like to know more about to run your business better?
I would like to know how to develop an App that would help me run my business – so that I am not required to be in the office 24/7 and can focus on other things to help the business grow.
What would you do differently if you had the chance?
Honestly, nothing! Trial and error has helped me learn valuable lessons over the past five-years.
Did you have to borrow money and if yes what route did you follow?
Fortunately I didn’t have to borrow money because the companies I work with have quite a good turnaround time on payments.
What satisfaction do you get from running your own business?
Seeing the end results in a project. Offering job opportunities and up-skilling my staff.
What makes your business successful?
Integrity, honesty and professionalism
What form of marketing do you use? Media and refferals
I mostly use referrals.
Do you have a favourite mantra or quote that keeps you going in tough times?
“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” (Benjamin Frankli
Email address sngcongca@ngcbuildingconsulting.co.za
Website www.ngcbuildingconsulting.co.za